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Protecting Land and Wildlife in a Changing Climate

Presenters Alex JacacciHypertherm, UVAW Co-Chair(Forum Introduction) Erich OsterbergDartmouth, UVAW Member(Latest Research on Climate Change in the Upper Valley) Rick Van de PollEnvironmental Consultant(Observed Climate Impacts on Ecology and Wildlife) Amanda StoneUNH Cooperative Extension(Taking Action for Wildlife: NH Wildlife Action Plan) Paul MarangeloVT Nature Conservancy(Regional Habitat Connectivity) Mark GoodwinCity of Lebanon(The Evolving Proverbial Planning “Tool Box”:…

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Mobilizing Local Communities: A Resilient Community is a Strong Community

Presenters Alex JaccaciHypertherm, UVAW Co-Chair(Event Overview) Sherry GodlewskiNH DES, UVAW Co-Chair(Mobilizing Local Communities: A Resilient Community is a Strong Community) Anne GoodrichUpper Valley Strong(Effective Regional Disaster Recovery: It Takes an Entire Community to Recover Well) Michael HillingerUpper Valley Sierra Club(Mobilizing Communities: For Political Action) Julia GriffinTown of Hanover(Building Community Resiliency: How Do We Make It…

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