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Droughts & Downpours

Presenters Sherry Godlewski(Panel Introduction presentation) Erich OsterbergAssociate Professor of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth College(Climate science presentation) Lisa Loosigian(SOAK Up the Rain presentation) Cat Buxton(Healthy Soil for Better Infiltration and Retention presentation)  

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Impacts on the Upper Valley’s Farms and Forests

Presenters Sherry GodlewskiNH DES, UVAW Co-Chair(Forum Introduction) Liz BurakowskiUNH Climate Researcher(New England Climate, Forest, and Farms) Steve RobergeUNH Cooperative Extension(Impacts to Forestry and Maple Sugaring) Ehrhard FrostEcoforester, Full Circle Forestry(Logging in the Upper Valley) Joshua FaulknerUVM Cooperative Extension(Impacts to Agriculture) Pooh SpragueFarmer, Edgewater Farms(Changing Farming Practices) See photos from the event here!

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